Dead Space Break-Fast Wiki

Alright here's the News Report coming at ya live from Squattop! We've had some great and not so great stuff happen this week (sorry AFN but I'm including some personal stuff. Only because it's important.) Well let's get to it!

  1. We have a new user, User:Moondragon0215!
  2. Chapter 7 of Dead Space 2: Break-Fast: Holy Spoons and the Marker is here, and Chapter 8 ideas are flowing!
  3. Voluntary jobs are here, with possible payment of course! This will help out the wiki and YOU!
  4. Since the jobs have started, many pages have been given needed info! Keep it up!
  5. Squattop's main (old now) email has been hacked! D: He has now changed his email, and is afraid someone else is using the old one for illegal stuff. AND MY FACEBOOK MIGHT GET HACKED! D: If this happens, I will delete my Facebook and create a new one by the name of: Orion Necromorph Shade.
  6. Squattop has his DS2 now and is sad because he sucks now :( After over two weeks of not playing 2 his skills have dimished, along with control layout memory and look sensitivity has decreased :/ Therefore, Zealot might have to be played a few more times before attempting Hard Core.

That's all for now, keep up the awesome work guys! -Squattop
