Dead Space Break-Fast Wiki

Seekers are the small pod-like projectiles shot out of Nests. They are the Nests' only means of offense, and are heat-seeking as to make contact with the prey more likely.


Seekers are very small projectiles that resemble the Mines that Cysts shoot out. However they differ from Mines in the fact that they are more capable of moving on their own free will as they are able to change direction with the prey's movement. They are red in color and alone are not a threat but usually come in groups of five or more making them hard to avoid. They explode on impact with anything which subsequently kills them, making them a one-time use weapon. Thus the Nest has to shoot groups of them out at different intervals to ensure the prey's death.


  • Seekers are only found with Nests, thus they are only encountered in Zero-G areas.
  • The Seekers are most lethal when they are encountered in the Processing area.


